• I want to understand more about the decisions I’ll need to make as I near retirement

  • Planning your pension income

    With so much to think about at retirement we're keeping things simple to help you with the big decisions. It's important to get them right. After all, your savings need to replace your income, so they might need to last decades.

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    What are your income options at retirement?

    You have a lot of flexibility with what you do with your pension. Whether you're thinking about taking all of your pension savings as a cash sum, taking a portion while leaving the rest invested, using it to fund a guaranteed income for life, or a combination of all three, we get to the bottom of each option and the tax implications.

    Your pension income options


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    Approaching your retirement? Here's what to expect

    Want to know what to expect from us as you approach your selected retirement age? We've listed when and how we'll contact you about your options, as well as the decisions you'll need to make at each stage.

    Accessing your pension

  • Other things to consider

    Are your investments still right for you?

    It can often be unnerving to see dramatic rises and falls in the value of your investments, however this can be more concerning if you're nearing retirement. Understand more about the risks associated with your investments and what you can do about them.


    Don't be scammed out of your pension

    Although new legislation is coming in to stop bogus companies from contacting you in relation to your pension, you may still become the target for illegal activities, scams or inappropriate and high risk investments. Be aware of what to look out for so you're not a victim.


    Your State Pension entitlement

    The State Pension is a regular payment from the government that you could be entitled to once you reach the state pension age. Find out when, and how much you're entitled to using the government's online service, or by completing their statement request form.

    Getting financial advice

    It's important to discuss your retirement options with a financial adviser. They'll be able to help you decide on the right thing to do for your personal circumstances. If you don't have a financial adviser we've outlined reasons why you might benefit from using one and how to find one local to you.

  • Tools to help

    What tax will I pay?

    Understand the tax implications of taking your pension as a cash lump sum.

    Will my pension income last?

    With people living longer, find out if your pension can last you a lifetime if you took a regular income from it.