• Online tools to make your life easier

    We offer a range of tools to help you manage your clients' policies, giving you policy and fund information at your fingertips, 24/7. Take a look at what we offer below and learn how you can make the most out of each tool.

  • Unlock these additional benefits by registering for non SIPP online services

    Fund Information Centre

    Find all you need to prepare investment strategies for your clients, including fund prices, factsheets, performance and ratings.

    With our online services package, create/save your own basket of funds to compare and track over time as well as run more in-depth reports.


    Back office integration

    Get your clients' latest policy value, fund holdings and prices straight through to your own back office system.

    As long as you use one of the systems we integrate with, you can save time keying in data from one system to another. There are additional registration steps to access this service.


  • Any queries? Visit our contact us page.

    We're happy to help you make the most of our online tools. Let us know if we can assist with any registration, navigation or general queries.