• Contact us

    Whether it's about our products and services or you're looking for policy information, we want to help you find the right answer quickly. Get in touch either by our contact form, phone, email or letter.


  • Can we help with your query?

    • NEW - Policy information 24/7 is now available through our new online services. Find out more and register here
    • For policy queries, please email SIPPenquiries@SIPP-phoenixwealth.co.uk or call 0345 129 9993 (8.30am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday).
    • For trading instructions, please call us on 0345 671 5507 or email us quoting your policy number at: ISD@SIPP-phoenixwealth.co.uk (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday).
    • For online services queries, please email Phoenix-access@sipp-phoenixwealth.co.uk or call 0345 671 5507 (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday).

    Please note that whilst we're happy to receive emails from you, it isn't safe to include personal or policy information in any email you send us as your message could be intercepted.

    Please note that whilst we're happy to receive emails from you, it isn't safe to include personal or policy information in any email you send us as your message could be intercepted.

  • All other policy types

    You can contact us using the form below.

    • Alternatively, please call us on 0345 129 9993. (8.30am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday).
    • Get 24/7 access to your client's policies - carry out pension fund switches, get latest values and access your statements and more. Find out how.

    Please note that whilst we're happy to receive emails from you, it isn't safe to include personal or policy information in any email you send us as your message could be intercepted.

    We sometimes record our telephone calls and use the recordings to train our staff so we can give better service. All recordings are stored securely. 

  • Need to contact us by post?

    Self-invested policies and Family Suntrust

    Write to us at: Phoenix Wealth, Self-invested Pensions, PO Box 1394, Peterborough, PE2 2TQ.

    All other policies

    Write to us at: Phoenix Wealth, Unit Linked Life & Pensions, PO Box 1393, Peterborough, PE2 2TP.

  • Make a complaint

    We work hard to provide excellent customer service, but sometimes we make mistakes. If we have made a mistake, we want to hear from you as soon as possible so that we can put the matter right straight away. We take complaints very seriously.


    For complaints regarding self-invested policies and Family Suntrust

    Call 0345 129 9993 or email us, quoting your client's name and policy number.


    For complaints regarding all other policies

    Call 0345 129 9993 or email us, quoting your client's name and policy number.

    Please note that whilst we're happy to receive emails from you, it isn't safe to include personal or policy information in any email you send us as your message could be intercepted.